CSC at EDspaces Session Resources
Welcome Ceremonies & Telecor Presentation
Pre-Conference B: Cyber Threats and Protection -- Is Your Campus Vulnerable?
Hot-Topic: What's Next? Trends in Campus Security, Public Safety, and Emergency Management
Hot-Topic: Leveraging American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funds to Enhance Your School's Safety and Security
KEYNOTE | The Mass Shooting Contagion Dilemma
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Gang Activity in K-12 and Post-Secondary Settings: Class is in Session
The Role of Community Partnerships in Student Experience: How one school district uses the power of community to grow students socially, emotionally, and intellectually
Security and Emergency Management Best Practices: Campus Safety DOY Winners Panel
Hot-Topic: School Safety - From the Everyday to the Extreme
Hot-Topic: Helping the Helpers Avoid Compassion Fatigue
Hot Topic: Designing Safe School Environments to Reduce Crime and Unwanted Behaviors
Hot Topic: Benefits of Using the ICS Form
Reunification Drills - Next Level School Safety Preparedness
Managing a Technology System Upgrade on Campus: Strategies and Lessons Learned from LaSalle University
The Evolution of Active Threat Response
Preventing Child Sexual Abuse within Schools
Fatal Friday Night Lights: A Case Study of Response and Recovery
Information, Coordination, and Control: Unifying Campus Safety
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GENERAL SESSION K-12: Keeping Students and Staff Safe In An Increasingly Charged Environment
GENERAL SESSION H.E.: Leaders Discuss Latest Challenges Impacting their Campuses
KEYNOTE | Turning Agony into Action - A Father’s Journey to Make Schools Safer After the Parkland School Shooting
WORKSHOP A: Stop the Bleed Training
WORKSHOP B: Developing Operational Capacity: Conducting Scenario-Based Training
WORKSHOP C: Improving Campus Safety and Security Initiatives through Planning and Collaboration
“I’ve been to many conferences in my 35 years in campus law enforcement. CSC has consistently offered and delivered quality and relevant content and outstanding presenters. “
— Dr. Amanda Guthorn, AVP Public Safety, La Salle University