Find out what new technologies and programs are being implemented at other K-12, college and university campuses during interactive roundtable discussions.

Meet other university police, communications, emergency management, studen life, and other senior-level administrators from schools and universities around the nation.

Learn from fellow senior-level school and university administrators during two and half days of information-packed learning sessions.

Raffles, prizes and book signings! What could you win at our conferences? Attend and find out!

Premier event dedicated to the safety and security of our K-12 districts and university and college campuses and hosted by a 30-year trusted industry resource Campus Safety magazine.

Located at great destinations:
Campus Safety Conference | July 21-23, 2025 | Austin, TX
Campus Safety Conference @ EDspaces | November 5-7, 2025 | Columbus, OH
This was my first conference. I was very impressed with the number and diversity of who attended. I enjoyed the collaboration and quality of speakers.” – Edward William Smith, Security Manager, Texas A&M University
Who Attends Campus Safety Conference?
School and University Public Safety Departments
Police Chiefs
Security Directors
Emergency Managers/Risk Managers
School and University Administration
Student Affairs/Residence Life
Superintendents/Heads of School/Deans/Principals
IT Managers/Business Manager
Operations Managers/Facilities Managers
Parking and Transportation Supervisors
Law Enforcement Executives
Safety and Security Integrators
Campus Safety Stakeholders from All Over the Country
Stay in the Loop
To stay up-to-date on all Campus Safety Conference updates and news, please fill out this form below.
” CSC is the conference to attend. If you are not there, you are missing out! “
— Scott Leven, Director of Safety and Security, Ozarks Technical Community College