Join Us in San Antonio this Summer!

Explore the Sponsor Showcase

Your conference pass will give you access to the entire sponsor showcase! See their latest offerings and find new products, safety solutions, and services that will have an immediate impact on your campus.

Hear from Industry Experts

Learn from industry leaders passionate about school safety and security who will share their insights, knowledge and experiences during two and half days of information-packed learning sessions.

In-Depth Workshop Trainings

Attend one of four workshops covering topics such as PASS Guidelines, After Hours Event Security and Emergency Preparedness, Clery Act, or Managing Campus Events and Protests. Add one to your conference pass when registering.

A deeper look into the sessions you don’t want to miss!

A Unique Perspective on Active Shooters: From Childhood Victim to Adult First Responder

Rob Young, Sergeant, Stockton Unified School District Police Department

A dramatic testimonial session that brings insight, not only as Rob tells his story as a victim, but as a police officer who responded to an active shooter incident, and who now helps conduct large-scaled training exercises in his hometown. Rob will bring new ideas to other agencies to think outside the box in order to make our response better as a whole (law enforcement, fire, EMS, local hospitals, etc).

Keep Your Top Performers: Leadership Strategies for Building an Environment to Improve Staff Retention

Jeff Hauk, Director, Public Safety and Police Authority Services, Memorial Healthcare

With the current global economy, many security and public safety departments find themselves in an unusual position; having to fight to find and retain talent. Security professionals with limited opportunities just a few years ago face a new world of continuous expanding options. Discuss the essentials of re-recruiting your top performers and explore methods for retention of staff such as employee engagement, professional development, career ladders, motivation, teambuilding, and succession planning.

Use of Force Simulator Scenarios: Reacting to Split-second Situations and Managing the Message

Julie Parker, President & CEO, Julie Parker Communications
Jason Johnson, President, Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund

Julie and Jason will demonstrate scenarios on a use-of-force simulator and give attendees the opportunity to try a “shoot/don’t shoot” experience. After attendees receive the fundamentals of police officer use of force, they will be put into groups and respond to video scenarios that could occur on or next to their campus.

Attendees can experience first-hand some of the physiological reactions that officers have when put into stressful scenarios. After a debrief, the attendees will be tasked with developing five key messages, talking points or tweets/posts for social media for their stakeholders (campus police chief, chancellor, etc) about their particular scenario.

Beyond helping prepare your campus leaders for the always-challenging crisis messaging task, this workshop offers an excellent way to learn how to communicate to your community stakeholders about the challenges law enforcement faces in today’s lightning fast social media-driven world.

Cultural Diversity, Stereotypes and Implicit Bias: Improve Training and Misunderstandings

Daniel Dusseau, Director Public Safety/Chief of Police, Northern Virginia Community College Police Department (NOVA)
John Weinstein, Commander, Strategic Planning and Outreach, Northern Virginia Community College Police Department

Is law enforcement inherently and systematically racist? Why have perceptions about police changed so radically from the 1950s when we were everyone’s friend, to the 1960s-70s when we were “pigs”, to 9-11 when we were heroes, to today when we are unaccountable thugs? Are implicit biases to blame and do only cops have them? The problem is that everyone has implicit biases that shape our perceptions. We can look at the same items yet see different things. Furthermore, people don’t see us like we see ourselves. Lack of awareness of this fact results in a huge if not insuperable communication gap. This presentation, which is approved by Virginia for instruction to officers, shares some information that may surprise people on both sides of the debate and, more importantly, addresses sources of communication mistakes that can be avoided and how people with implicit biases can and should communicate with each other.

Outreach Programs: Addressing Homelessness on an Urban Campus

Toni Summerlin, Sergeant, Consolidated Police Services of Southern Nevada 

In this presentation, Sgt. Toni Summerlin will discuss the cultural stereotypes and negativity around homelessness. She will address some of the challenges that homeless college students face, as well as the challenges that individuals who use the campuses as safe havens face. Toni will talk about the impact on the community and the challenges that arise when trying to address the issues that surround homelessness. She will also discuss the challenges law enforcement faces when trying to help address the needs of the individuals while also maintaining adherence to the Nevada Revised Statutes. She will also talk about University Police Services’ homeless outreach team and what they have done and who they work with to make things happen.

” CSC is the conference to attend. If you are not there, you are missing out! “

  — Scott Leven, Director of Safety and Security, Ozarks Technical Community College