Workshops are three hour long training sessions that take place from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. on July 23.
*Included with Conference Pass
Workshop A
PASS Guidelines Updates: Helping Administrators and Security Directors Effectively Evaluate and Prioritize Safety and Security Investments
Today’s school safety and security challenges are multi-faceted and complex. There is no single action that will, by itself, make our schools safe. Protecting students and staff is a tremendous moral and legal responsibility that requires a comprehensive approach to these challenges.
Security management is a core responsibility of school administrators, who face daily pressure to ensure that students and staff are protected, often without significant security expertise or the benefit of full-time safety/security staff. When it comes to security, school administrators are faced with two difficult questions: 1) What do we do? and 2) How do we prioritize?
The PASS Guidelines and Checklist were developed to provide administrators and security directors with the means to effectively evaluate safety and security infrastructure already in place, prioritize investments and maximize safety and security gained by leveraging available resources.
The Guidelines and Checklist identify and classify leading practices for securing K-12 facilities in response to the urgent needs identified by the educational community.
Hosted by: Mark Williams, Vice Chairman, Partner Alliance for Safer Schools
Workshop B
After School Hours: Event Security and Emergency Preparedness
Preparing for emergencies during the school day is already challenging. Things can get more complicated when a crisis occurs at a time when the front office is not staffed or the supervising adults are volunteers or from an outside organization.
After school programs, sporting events, political events and polling place usage are just a few of the challenging times when typical emergency plans may not be adequate. In addition to immediate needs, some states have special requirements for this type of planning.
Participants will learn how to meet various planning requirements for special events while developing a logical approach to emergency planning.
This workshop will not only better prepare you for emergencies but can make special events and after hours activities run more smoothly and with less disruption. Attendees will also work on a template for a site safety plan for special event and after hours planning for emergencies.
Hosted by: Chris Dorn, Senior Analyst, Safe Havens International
Workshop C
Breaking Down Clery Act Challenges
With the recission of the Clery Handbook, the basics of Clery compliance remain in place. In this workshop, we will address the continuing challenges of Clery compliance including: Campus Alerts, Clery Geography, Crime Statistics, Annual Security Report and Enforcement Concerns. Campus decision points relative to the new guidance provided by the FSA Appendix will be identified for each topic.
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Workshop D
Campus Events and Protests: Creating Policies for Maintaining Safety, Security, and University Support on Campus
More information coming soon!
” CSC is the conference to attend. If you are not there, you are missing out! “
— Scott Leven, Director of Safety and Security, Ozarks Technical Community College