JUNE 15 – 17, 2020 – M RESORT – LAS VEGAS, NV

Craig Scott
Public Speaker, VALUE-UP
Craig Scott will share his experience of being in the library, the most intense scene during the 1999 Columbine shooting. Not only did he witness two friends killed next to him underneath a table, but he also lost his sister, Rachel Joy Scott.
Craig’s powerful takeaways from that day through today are a must-hear for today’s youth and adults. His compelling and inspirational message will encourage and inspire listeners to treat everyone with value, love and respect and to see ours own having inherent value. He shows attendees how to give themselves permission to forgive those who have hurt them and not be prisoners of their past, like he was for years.
Applying psychological principles of translating negative emotions into positive ones, Craig shares on turning anger into determination, fear into courage, sadness into an appreciation for life, and anxiety into excitement.
The biggest message for his audience is the philosophy that every person has incredible intrinsic value, no matter what. This philosophy is a paradigm game-changer that brings out the best in oneself and others.
Attendees Will:
- Hear Craig’s first-hand story of being in the library during the 1999 Columbine shooting.
- Learn to practice the principle of turning negatives into positives.
- Be inspired to show students their value and how to bring out the best in others.
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” CSC is the conference to attend. If you are not there, you are missing out! “
— Scott Leven, Director of Safety and Security, Ozarks Technical Community College