CSC at EDspaces Hot-Topics


Hot Topic Meetups: Engage in informal roundtable discussions and share best practices with those who are passionate about safety. Limited to 25 attendees per session. One every 30 minutes on November 3rd from 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

First-come, first-served. Included with Conference Pass.

Hot-Topic 1: Cyber Security: Who is Responsible and Best Practices

More information coming soon!

Hosted By: Eric Robuck, Owner and Co-Founder, The Valander Group

Hot-Topic 2: Helping the Helpers Avoid Compassion Fatigue

More information coming soon!

Hosted By: Shoshanna Findling, Director Graduate School of Education/Community Crisis Chaplain NYC and USCTF, Touro College/ NYS/USCTF

Hot-Topic 3: Evaluating Technology: Critical Questions to Ask

Technology can expand production, enhance efficiency, make operations safer, and offer other valuable enhancements. However, there are often powerful impediments to implementing new technologies, getting them to work as intended, and socializing them into the organization.
Decision-makers must ensure new technologies are consistent with an organization’s overall values and goals. They must also ensure the equities of all subcomponents, not just those of the advocating office, are considered. Finally, hidden costs must be evaluated for a fuller picture of the candidate technology’s applicability and long-term usefulness.

Hosted By: John Weinstein, Commander, Strategic Planning and Outreach, Northern Virginia Community College Police Department

Hot-Topic 4: Designing Safe School Environments to Reduce Crime and Unwanted Behaviors

Schools must address a wide range of risks, hazards and threats to students and staff that cannot entirely be addressed through operations. However, the school campus and building present many opportunities to make small but effective improvements using such techniques as Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, selective target hardening and integrating the school’s existing technology. Even though every needed prevention strategy cannot be implemented today, a school can reduce its liability by implementing a “Safety Master Plan” to predict improvements over the next 3-5 years.

Hosted by: R. Leslie Nichols, President, R.L. Nichols & Associates

Hot-Topic 5: Benefits of Using the ICS Form

More information coming soon!

Hosted By: Gary Sigrist, President, Safeguard Risk Solutions, LLC

Hot-Topic 6: Coming Soon

More information coming soon!

Hot-Topic 7: Coming Soon

More information coming soon!

Hot-Topic 8: What’s Next? Trends in Campus Security, Public Safety, and Emergency Management

Whenever there is a new trend, you can bet that it will first emerge in schools and universities, and Campus Safety magazine is usually the first trade publication to cover it. In this roundtable discussion, Robin will provide an overview of the many crime, social, drug, law enforcement, emergency management and technology trends CS has been uncovering over the past couple of years. Those developments include mental health and suicide, pandemic response, vaping and opioids, domestic terrorism and hate crimes, #MeToo, controversial speakers on campus, cybersecurity issues, video surveillance, lockdown, guns on campus, active assailant response, homelessness, litigation and fines, public safety department staffing, access control and more. Additionally, attendees will have the opportunity to discuss with Robin the emerging trends they are seeing on their campuses and the solutions they are considering or implementing.

Hosted By: Robin Hattersley, Editor-in-Chief, Campus Safety magazine

Hot-Topic 9: For CSC Exhibitors and Sponsors: How to Sell to CSC Attendees

Having the most sophisticated technology is cool but not interesting if it is not suited to the needs of the client, affordable, enduring, user-friendly, etc.

Vendors must reorient their approach to stressing their value in light of the attendees’ needs. In other words, they must present their products in a way that addresses the full range of client needs; not just that it has a faster processing time, better quality photos, etc.

This Hot Topic will provide deeper insight into the CSC attendee, how to better understand the various goals of institutions, and show how your company’s products can affect each.

Hosted By: John Weinstein, Commander, Strategic Planning and Outreach, Northern Virginia Community College Police Department

” CSC is the conference to attend. If you are not there, you are missing out! “

  — Scott Leven, Director of Safety and Security, Ozarks Technical Community College