Bobby Brasher is the Director of School Security for The Brook Hill School, a private, Christian, college preparatory, international boarding school with both day and boarding students in Bullard, Texas. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Louisiana Tech University with emphasis in Criminology. He has a lengthy background in Education as well as Security and Law Enforcement. Bobby graduated from the University of Louisiana – Monroe and received his P.O.S.T. certification. He served 6 years as a police officer and Sheriff’s Deputy. He consults on safety and security for schools and churches including independent/private schools in Latin America and Africa. Bobby has spent time in Israel observing Israeli strategies and tactics. He started a non-profit Christian defense and safety organization to assist churches and faith-based schools on how to protect, educate, and respond to various emergency situations. His other certifications and experiences are:
- Texas Education Agency Secondary Teaching Certificate
- Louisiana Department of Education Secondary Teaching Certificate
- United State Marine Corps Teacher Education School
- School Safety Specialist (The Center for Safe and Secure Schools)